
There has always been something about words for me. The right words, the right sounds and meaning, can reduce you tears, rise up nations and make your heart swell in your chest. Quotes, poetry and stories; all the intricacies of a world of our own creation. Fictional or non-fictional, there is something of a sense of solace in words but also the antithetical sense that we are not alone. 
We are consumed by fantastical worlds of romance, creatures and adventure, whether it be angels and demons to sexy thrillers, or stories with great emotional gravitas and humanistic adversities, such as love, loss or disease. Yet, as we are enveloped by these isolating predicaments, we find ourselves, not alone, but surrounded by relatable characters that each provide the anecdote for the current state of woe, that has prompted us to secrete ourselves into a fictional universe. There are a million possibilities for literature and language and I have always wanted to discover them all; My desire for eloquence, it's complexity and unsurpassable possibilities, evident from even a young age.
Being a volunteer at the PDSA, for nearly a year, has not only given me experience of work and a sense of nurturing a social conscience, but has opened my eyes to a whole new spectrum of books: New and old, tatty and pristine in condition. The epitome would be The Picture Of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. It contained many aspects that make a book a good read for me - A veiled parallel with Greek mythology, powerfully quotable lines and the allure of a story on and off the page; aspects that truly engage my love of literature. 
Language is art. It can evoke emotion just as a Van Gogh or a Michelangelo. It can create images as beautiful as paint is able. In the end, they are all markings on a canvas, eternally evocative and their beauty is in lyrics, speeches, prose and art, in every aspect of their creation.

“Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind.”

― Rudyard Kipling

“Words are pale shadows of forgotten names. As names have power, words have power. Words can light fires in the minds of men. Words can wring tears from the hardest hearts.”
― Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of the Wind

M xxx
(P.S At this very moment... I AM IN ROME!!!!!! - for a classics trip)
