
It was the day before my first day at school when 9/11 happened. I can't imagine watching it unfold and I feel so thankful I don't remember. The tower just collapsing without warning, the people jumping, jumping to their deaths, it brings me to tears. Those people had to make a decision. They were going to be executed but they could choose how. No-one should have to choose whether to be burnt alive or fall to your death, no-one. how must it have been for the people on the ground? When those towers crumbled and the dust bellowed and surged through the streets, it looks almost apocalyptic. And that's how my mum described it, sort of. She said that she was worried. She watched it and honestly didn't know what kind of world she would wake up to tomorrow morning, the world I would wake up into, had to go out into for the first time. I am currently watching another documentary and am wiping tears away now. When I was younger, about 12, I wrote a poem about 9/11. It could never do this event any justice and can't even begin to explain or empathise. I am usually quite articulate but... there are no words.

A stillness. A silence
A world full of pain
A stillness. A silence
Then the falling came

A thousand lives
Their families derprived
An impossible decision
The final goodbye

It was captured on tape
The screams. The terror
Did the terrorists think
They were big or clever?

People's memories are so clear
Yet it happened so fast
The terror of new york
Is surely to last

A stillness. A silence
An empty skyline
The shattered heart of the free world
Justice will come

And it sort of did, he is gone but there will always be others. What do we do? Every year we recall and every year we cry. And every year, we remember them.

M xxx

Image result for 911 memorial


  1. Very well written. Very poignant. You sum it up so well


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