She doth dwell too much

So I saw a cloud today. One of those ones you see and it represents something, so you stop, stare, and wonder. This cloud was not the main article, as it were, rather the break in the cloud, white sunlight streaming through a wall of grey. 
In some respects it looked like a hole in a money box and I was going to say it was if someone from above was dropping coins from above but that we shouldn't wish for luck and money or fortune to drop from the sky, we should make it ourselves.
I looked again to see it looking more like a knife wound so this is what thought: crying is rather therapeutic don't you think? And maybe that's it? Someone screaming at the stratosphere, piercing,slicing the atmosphere to let in a stream of sunlight to lighten the situation.
Stop! I screamed, well mentally anyway. We constantly search for meaning in everything, I know I am left alone with my thoughts too much, so stop! (That's me screaming at you now). Stop over analysing, stop thinking there is meaning in everything and just get on with your life!

“It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.” 

M xx
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