Roll With The Punches

When did life become so complicated? It's a stereotypical teenager question, but nether the less demands an answer. When did the universe decide that it wasn't hard enough? Every teenager asks this at one point, in fact, everyone asks it. As the universe recoils for another punch, your eyes open wide, fear and trepidation etched in your features, you ask. And the punchline hits you square in the face, and the heart sinks like a lead balloon; you've grown up. But why is that any condition for a melancholy spirit?

It's suddenly unacceptable to eat raw cake mix while baking, to bake something as simple as a cupcake, to fight with foam while washing up. Everything has to be adult, complicated and devoid of the youthful fatuities that chased away the darkness. Since when did we get on this endless escalator, or stuck in a lift with so many people, it takes ages to get to the floor you want? Another complication arises, bigger than the last, fully rested and returned to remind you that life is an endless cycle. Its like seeing the doors open to your floor but being unable to squeeze past the woman with the a hundred shopping bags, full of yesterdays problems, and just as you get past her, a child grabs your arm, a small problem to distract you from the fact that a rather large man has now stepped into the lift, blocking the exit. Stuck riding the lift. Up and down as the people and problems file in and out, the never ending flow of traffic preventing you from getting out.

You see our stories, our journeys, aren't like fairy tales or storybooks, with knights in shining armour, or happy endings. They are more like TV shows. Every season finale there is a resolution, but those last few seconds reveal a cliffhanger that will cause Tumblr to explode and leave you cursing the writers for months. But do we ever dream of wanting them cancelled? Some do, some people, but I guess that's what life is about. I saw the film August: The Osage County and was left with a million questions and a bemused expression. 'Thats not an ending!' I thought. There was no resolution for her problem, we never found out what happened to them. And i guess that is the point. Life is crap. No resolution, just moving on to the next shipment of fertiliser.

Life is so unbelievably convoluted. And that is it's purpose. If we are not complaining of boredom, then it is of problems. Besides, there is not always a problem; maybe that large man blocking the elevator is holding some cake. If you are going to be stuck in the universe's infinite crowded elevator, you might as well have a little bit of sweetness. THAT is why we don't want the show cancelled. Because maybe, just maybe, there will be an attractive new cast addition, a new love interest or your otp will finally get together. Its a mix of good and bad, neither outweighing each other, only seeming to when our minds drift to the dark, and dangerous, question; when did life get so complicated?

The answer? It demands to be heard. ignore it. As the universe recoils to take another punch, don't look. Get on with your life, so when you finally get to the front of the elevator, you can press the hold door button and get out, even if it is on the wrong floor. Recoil, and punch the universe back.So what? You made my life complicated, but look what I have achieved. I might be on the wrong floor but hey, maybe there will be a boutique dress shop or a Ben and Jerry's parlour. And if there isn't? Well,  I will get back in that sweaty elevator and I'll know how to get out and try another floor. Life's dilemmas and heartaches are unpredictable and ever coming, but you have not got to sit and wait for the next one; take a holiday and stop asking philosophical and depressing questions. Stop reading this and go kiss someone you like, or read another addictive book series. And don't ever thinking of cancelling the 'charade that is life'  prematurely.

"The good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice-versa, the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things and make them unimportant." - Richard Curtis

M xxx
