
Silence. It can speak a thousand words, break a million hearts or provide comfort in the darkest of times. i don't like silence, not the awkwardness, nor the slipping of the mask many maintain, but the things you hear in it. Whether it affects a thousand, a million or only one, some things can change forever in that silent utterance. To a boyfriend or girlfriend pleading to their respective partner, asking " where do we go from here?", a relationship fizzles out and fades away, the sound of their carefree love and laughter ebbing away into silence, breaking hearts. To a child seeking comfort, it is entirely a different matter. They don't want to be placated , just held in silence; that silence saying 'it's all right, I'm here.', the feeling of skin against skin which provides comfort in the darkest of times.
I was at volunteering the other day, breaking in a newbie and bonding over our weird yet eclectic music taste and he told me I was very energetic and in your face, but in a good way. I didn't know how to take it. Admittedly, I had only been so chatty because I had been abandoned by my colleague and also, he wasn't really talking. At all. I do tend to ramble, as you might have already gauged, but I stopped and asked...why?
Then it hit me: I don't like silence. Sometimes its awkward, sometimes it causes you to realise truths you cant accept, and sometimes, sometimes it speaks a thousand words you just don't want to hear.
So ominously I said " I don't like silence, and the things I hear in it"
Truth is...I don't think anyone does.

M xxx
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