
Just a little poem I wrote after my 'Warning label' post. I don't know if it's any good, I didn't really think about using techniques......

I am damaged goods
battered by uncertain winds
eroded by salty tears

I am a faulty toy
chipped by unfaithful friends
cracked where smiles have turned to frowns

I am an unattended flower bed
squashed by mistaken protagonists
withered by the now harsh light of day

I cannot be returned to sender
or exchanged for another
I can however be watered
I can choose better heroes
and marvel at the infinite night stars

I am damaged, faulty,
I am imperfection. I am

M xx

P.S It kind of reminds me of the song Human by Gabrielle Aplin
"Show me that you’re human, you won’t break
Oh love your flaws and live for your mistakes
Beauty’s on the surface wearing thin
Come closer show the marks upon your skin
Show me that you're human
Show me that you're human"
