
So results day came and I did really well but couldn't really end high school without giving thanks to someone. It's time to embarrass you Miss N!
English has always been my favourite subject and one of my best 'achievers' but I believe Miss N really helped. I was lucky enough to have her throughout high school, a woman I felt I could really connect to, that had a passion for English like me, and who had a great sense of humour. She guided me more than she knows, hers being the only advice I listened to and the first persons report I read. . The only reason I would have wanted to stay at my school sixth form would have been if they could have categorically agree that she would be my teacher. Alas that wasn't the case but I am still going to do English. Contrary to some of my classes opinion, I found her teaching method refreshing, my creativity and articulation were given free reign, yet I never felt lost. I always felt my options and interpretations were welcome and that's why she is so deserving of this blog post.
She once said that I liked to work with a cluttered desk and she reminded me of her at university. Whenever someone tells me a cluttered desk or room is the sign of a cluttered mind, I always think of the quote by Albert Einstein - "If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?" and consequently of her.
We all have that one teacher that was better than all the rest (it's true!) and we never truly want to leave. So thanks Miss N! Oh and I apologise for any spelling or grammatical mistakes in this or previous posts......you taught me well (honest!!)
M xxx
